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Our unwavering commitment to excellence in execution motivates us to combine our know-how, sound advice and attentive service to develop new buildings that are both sustainable and well thought-out.

Quality that
defies time

Our approach is based on a simple principle: building to last. By opting for high-quality materials and proven construction techniques, we guarantee the longevity of your buildings. It’s our way of contributing to a more sustainable future, one in which a structure does not have to be rebuilt a few years down the road.

  • A Sustainable Vision

    Building smartly means doing things right from the very beginning. To last a long time—and to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the years to come.

  • Commitment to excellence

    Carefully selected, high-quality materials, a dedicated team and sustained attention to detail—this is your quality guarantee for the efficient, sustainable and beautiful buildings we deliver.

The building envelope:

Much more than
a mere structure

Tomico considers the building envelope to be of utmost importance. Beyond its aesthetic aspect, it is the key element in an efficient and sustainable new construction project.

The building envelope is the pillar on which the overall performance of a structure rests, a crucial yet often overlooked element that impacts the quality of the building. By taking the time to do things right in the early stages of the construction project, you are assured of having a healthy, comfortable and sustainable place for years to come.

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Have an project in mind?

Let’s build something exceptional together.

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